Sunday, March 15, 2009

I feel so blue now... When can my stress end???
life compiles of, basically, up + down... even when u r doin nothing -daydreamin- u r thinking of something.. & tt "something" is one of wat had happened to u.. Be it sadness, happiness, depression, etc....
For mine, I can only describe with one words.... "TERRIBLE".... I personally find tt my life never been really smooth... it consists more of down than up.... IT'S DAMN NOT FAIR... Why???? I tried my best to work very hard already.. Yet, this is wat i ve gotten..... A PILE OF SHIT!!!! dAMN IT!!!! Damn not fair........................................
Frankly speaking, I dun see my future at all.......... I ve no savings.... No plannin for my life... I dun dare to plan... Cos I know its goin to be useless... pointless.... & this drama is going to endless.... I HATE IT!!!! I HATE IT!!!!!
Always, I really find tt avoidance is not e solution to my problem... But wat can I do den avoid for most of e time??? Wat he siad is true.. No discussion in mhy family at all.... cos no one wanna to face e reality at all.... Or else, Her family wun be in Singapore till now... I feel like throw her family back to Indonesia.... But I cant bring myself to do tt.... why??? I hate myself...
Tears no longer stranger to me... he s my companion... when m alone... in the dark... any corner... any time...
Sometimes I asked myself... How can those people cut their own wrist??? wun they feel e pain? wun they feel tt it is very slow??? They are very brave... do they went off with any burden, other than their own problem???
No wonder free thinker is all over e world.. Cos is not exist at all.... My problem has never comes to an end....

MiSsY ^___~ 8:27 PM

Sunday, March 01, 2009

went to Singapore Zoo yesterday.. very fun!!! we ended up chit chattin & chilling with e zoo-keepers... orang utan keeper, elepahants, horse, snakes keepers.. hahahaaa...

feel like downloadin e pics here.. but very lazy.. see from my facebook.. plenty of pics there... lookin forward to go zoo again... so so so so much!!!!! hahaha.....

MiSsY ^___~ 3:59 PM

About Me

Nickname: -*GuSnI..
DOB: 17-08-1984
Age: 24
Horoscope: Leo galx
Activity: Sleep & Sleep!!
Occupation: MisSy -_-"
Status: Married-- to him
Location: `here' ^__^


:: Xueeyiiiee
:: JuAn~jUaN :X
:: Prissy..
:: Nessa.. ;p
:: Kou_Jing
:: Thia W..
:: Cyn C..
:: Kin~nugget
:: Colleen DeArIe
:: ~SPY~
:: Cyndi tandow
:: Amit
:: NanA Tay
:: Jenny.. :p
:: Hansheng T.T"
:: Nona Sherly ;P"
:: Juvai B$ha **"
:: My tweEtY Beth
:: Ivan Lim

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