Wednesday, February 27, 2008

feeling giddy today when i woke up. bet it was e effect of after swimming @ Jurong East Sport Complex.. Ed said cos of too much chlorine absorbed. Oh gosh!!! too much chlorine in me.. can u imagine?? lolx.. so i never went to work todae.. sorry Ben!!!

Went to look for my niece in e afternoon when sickness improved.. She needs some nap.. so I brought her to Ed's house to orh orh.. no one @ home when M there.. So, A bottle of milk given.. Fan provided..And... ZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!! there goes my niece.. she slept.. lolx.. baby s cute!!! I damn agree.. hahaaa...

She likes swimming.. tt s wat i can say.. heee... cos she was e person who enjoyed e trip to sport complex e most among ed, sukarno and me.. hahaa.. she screamed like hell.. m glad tt she likes it!!!
so, using comp now while my niece s sleeping.. heee.... checking for information abt kindergarten.. my sis wish to let my niece studying in s'pore... she verbalised tt she wanna give e best to her.. me too.. I hope tt I can bring my family to peace asap.. seems like we r still strggling for financial issue.. shit it!!!! I HATE $$$$$$$.... but we, humans, cant do anythign w/o money too.. sigh!!!! it is evil!!!! grrr.....

xue said sorry to me.... beth called me ytd.. she asked me if something had happened to me.. i said no.. she said,, bur ur blog.. in tt moment, i felt e warm she showed me.. m glad tt i ve few of such frens in my surrounding.. i love them all.. they know who they r.. hahaa.. a bird, meow meow, kitty, seikio, ping ..hahaa... they r my mistress.. heee...

oh, btw, as promised!!! baby's photos!!! hahaa.. my youngest niece @ E MOMENT..

Sherina s taking her bath in e morning!!

Oh!!! so cute.. eyes big cos of e flash???

After dressing up for CNY 2nd day

I seroiusly like this photo.. hahaa so chubby!!

This s wat will happen normally during Chinese New Year

CNY photo @ Collen's house..

MiSsY ^___~ 4:13 PM

Saturday, February 23, 2008

@ Xue's house now.. tupid juan & xue went down to play wif jon's doggie.. which i dun like e most.. i dun really like doggies actually.. but i dun mind to ve one.. hee.. cos ed s an animal lover.. sigh!!

overnite here tonight.. feel like seeing him a lot.. worry tt e feeling may ..... sigh!!! and also he s been calling me quite few times today.. or Did I missed call him in e 1st place?? e "MISS" multiplied.. i know he s been busy.. i noe i shudnt behave this way.. but we juz dun talk more than a minute.. few days has passed.. nothing improved.. he s been throwin temper at me too.. shouting on phone.. talk to me impatiently.. wats going on??? m tryin my best to control my temper.. but sometimes it juz burst.

m sad over ah-ma too.. she took care of me too.. i feel sad and sorry.. but tt doesnt mean tt this s e end of u & me.. a simple sms per day will do.. tt s wat m asking for.. but u r not givin it to me.. m lonely.. really!! probably m too pampered.. i dun wanna be loner.. juz by stayin by ur side & watching ll satisfy me too..

xue told me juz now...
Ivan : get gusni a psp.. den she wun disturb u..
U.. : No.. She dun play!!
Ivan : Den let her shops!!
U.. : She rather spend time sitting down & chat..

Yup!! u r rite, sweetheart!! tts me. i dun like to walk.. i dun like to shop.. i dun play game.. i dun like orchard road.. I like the pacific connection, starbucks, coffee bean.. M glad!!! M happy enuf!!! I MISS YOU...

MiSsY ^___~ 11:49 PM

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

12.30 am now.. 19 feb...

m in e room.. waiting for his call.. but he never call.. guess he sad now!!!

dear dear!! i know u r sad!!! however, u must be strong!!! u r my edmundo.. my king kong!!! i love u like.... "lau su ai da mi"... hahaa.. be happy!!!

i really dunno wat to contribute to u.. to make u happy!! m sad to see u like tt too..

moreover, ur test is comin.. poly???

u gotta be strong, Mr Ang!!!! no matter what!!! u ve no choice!!! cos u gotta support ur mum..

p.s I Love You.....

MiSsY ^___~ 12:30 AM

Monday, February 11, 2008

very happy!!! hahaa..
attachment over.. 1st february marks e end of my poly life.. hahaa.. so i rushed back to balai on tt day itself.. hee.. for new year..
house cleaning for 5 days.. erm.. nope!! 6 days.. hee.. from throwing rubbish to blah blah.. hee.. very busy!!! I like Lunar New Year!! cos many many many ang bao!!! hahahaa....
my sis gave birth to a baby gal.. so cute!!! she ll cry every 2.5 hrs.. cos she s hungry.. hee. so punctual!!! I got e plaesure to name e baby again.. since e 1st baby gal is Sherrissa Florencio Tan Shi En, I named e 2nd baby gal as Sherina Tan Shi Na.. hhaaa... so much alike!!! I like it.. Show u e pics some other day!! yipee!!
Came back to S'pore on 3rd day of CNY.. went to Ed's father side gatherin.. followed by Colleen's house.. then dinner with xue, juan, ivan and Ed.. as usual!!! hahaa... we ate sakae sushi in the end, after a lengthy thought and discussion of wat to eat..
and finally, today s e 4th day.. went for lunch with ed's grandma, then my cousin gathering.. feel so so so busy.. hahaa.. i like tt..
planning to go back balai again with edmund for our 2nd VALENTINE!!! hahaha.. how time flies!!! its our 2nd Vday.. it means we r together almost 2 yrs le.. 25 March!!! I ll remember tt forever.. heee.. so sweet!!!
was using Ed's new laptop!! he very silly!!! bought new laptop but never use it.. he said he wanna let me use it before him.. hahaa.. silly but sweet!!! I love you, dear dear!! muackx..
Xue!! i read ur blog.. hahaaa.. den I realize tt we got e same SpongeBob monopoly set.. hehee.. but urs is e original one I suppose.. cos I bought from pasar malam de.. Muahahaa...
I wanted to post all nice nice photos so much.. update my frenster too.. but is getting late.. and I'm.. (yawn!!!) very tired le!!! wanna orh orh ler.. shall blog again of got time.. hahaha.. cos time s $$$$$$.. hahhaaa..

MiSsY ^___~ 1:05 AM

About Me

Nickname: -*GuSnI..
DOB: 17-08-1984
Age: 24
Horoscope: Leo galx
Activity: Sleep & Sleep!!
Occupation: MisSy -_-"
Status: Married-- to him
Location: `here' ^__^


:: Xueeyiiiee
:: JuAn~jUaN :X
:: Prissy..
:: Nessa.. ;p
:: Kou_Jing
:: Thia W..
:: Cyn C..
:: Kin~nugget
:: Colleen DeArIe
:: ~SPY~
:: Cyndi tandow
:: Amit
:: NanA Tay
:: Jenny.. :p
:: Hansheng T.T"
:: Nona Sherly ;P"
:: Juvai B$ha **"
:: My tweEtY Beth
:: Ivan Lim

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Edited by GuSnI *KaY-Poh.Pte.Ltd


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