Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Memoirs of "GUSNI"

This s like..... erm.... oh man!!! Donkey years ago of me.... Hahahaa... before Ed and me got any chemistry.... Hahahhaaa.... only normal fren!!!!!

I was like this a year ago.. Weeks before with Edmund :) Oh yeah!! On his ORD night.. I went to his ORD parade... hahahaa...

This s also before with him wor!!!!

This s after with him of cos... hahahaa.... First time in my life to dye such colour!!

This s probably few weeks after dye my hair

And this s after my hair colour started to fade off.. lolx... Pics taken during my 2006 Bday celebration with my Sec buddies.. Xueyi, Hanjuan, Tat Fung, Ivan, Chay Ann, Meng Hwee.... And most importantly, my boyfriend, Edmund Ang.....

Oh my gosh!!! This s me after much serious thought and "San Se".... I finally decided to short short my hair.. lolx....

Hahaaa... During the ASEAN Football Championship of "LIONS VS TIGER"... hahaaa...
Can see the flag on my face ??


MiSsY ^___~ 11:39 PM


The photos which I wanna share with you guys.... hahahaaa...

Kallang Stadium B4 the "Lions VS Elephant" match
In the Mid of the match, Thai s walked out of the field after the Malaysian referee granted a penalty to Lions
Singapore's Lions s awaiting for the Elephants to be back to the field
While they are either bickering or awating, we are enjoying taking photos.. Hahahahaa!!!
Finally, THE VICTORY!!!!!!!

And YUP!!!!
Remember I told you before??!!

I set up a fish tank while I was suppose to study for exams

Damei behind the fish tank.... GOTCHA!!!!!

And a pair of lovely bird behind the tank..... Yipeee!!!!
Can see the fish??? lolx....
Today s Paper 2117 examination eve.. Lolx.. see wat m doin here?? hahaa.. M busy bloggin!!! This paper has got 40 lectures to be studied.. And m stuck at lecture 18!!!! Peilin.. Get ready to Titanic... hahahaa..
Hopefully my ICA project will pull my marks up.. Thiu..
Sen ah!!! Jiu jiu wo ba!!!! Arghhh...............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MiSsY ^___~ 10:48 PM

Monday, February 12, 2007

w/o comp really torturin...
frens keep on askin me whr s my updated blog??
say i nvr update de

its not i dun wanna update..
but no comp le....

well... let me write a long blog now...

its been long since my last blog...

so, this long entry s for all my frens who keep on askin for new blog..

recently i went to lots of places.. and did lots of new experience..
like watching live soccer match...
Lions VS Tiger...
Lions VS Elephant(Thailand)...

It was a very excited match.. I shouted till I got sore throat..
End up MC and antibiotics for e throat.. lolx....

never expect tt it wud be so much of fun to watch real match.. probably cos u r engulfed by e atmosphere which really tense u up... thiu...
U can see lots of ppl angry.. shout.. laugh.. jump.. sad.. disappointed.. and SCOLD REFEREE..

words like:
"Referee KAYU!!!!"
"BUTO"~~~ Malay vulgar (not a very nice word, but i dunno e meaning)
"Ole..... ole ole ole!!!!"
"We want goal!!! we want goal!!!"

very fun and ..... yeah!!!!! Fun...

and i had my face painted wif S'pore flag... lolx.... so fun...
I have e pics on my phone.. but dunno how to transfer to comp le... xian!!!
or else, i wud ve posted it up and share wif frens...

oh yeah!!! shikin watched e game too... but s e "Lions VS Elephant" de game...

& in e long run, Singapore won e title of "Asean Football Champion"
Oh my god!!!! Happy for them.... hahahhaa....

& something shocked!!!! Lionel Lewis speaks mandarin too..
Oh man!!! Shockin news.. hahaha.....

back to months ago, probably, I brought edmund's family to Balai...
Hee.... so GAY!!!!
His papa, mama, ah-ma and twin sisters...

They had so much fun tooo.... cos its really a budget trip..
ticket ~ $ 44... Hotel~ $ 20+... Foods= $$cheap... etc...
Most importantly, my mum met with his parents.. haha
This is so called "MEET PARENTS SESSION"... lolx...

We been to temples, beaches, pasar malam which s totally different from S'pore, on Becak ride ~ Trishaw ride....

so fun fun fun fun fun........................!!!!!!!!!

We even had our ride on wooden big big gigantic bus...
hahahaa..... and ish like less than $50 to book e bus for whole day..
and ish like we can squeze in 30 to 40 plus humans... ahahhahaa
Veriiii cheeeeeaaaaaaaaaaapppppppp!!!!!!!!!!

Following are some pics to share with u guys.. hahahaa...

ermmm........ wat else can i telll u guys ar???

Let me think!!!!!!!!!
Tick tock tick tock!!!!!!!!

Oh yeah!!!! I set up a fish tank recently.. actually ish.... last week only..
hahhaha... Oh my gosh!!! I so so like it lar can anot!!! hehehheee...
I ve e pics of my fish tank.... I shall posted all e pics one day.. so tt u guys can share wif me my happiness..
heee... E fish tank was being set up by me in the mid of my stressest period..
And it was e fish tank who saved me I supposed... It lower down my stress level
How I wish tt m one of e fishes in my tank.. so happily swimming here and there...
so freely... stresslessly...... full of freedom.. except tt they r in my tank... which makes my tank their world... hahhaaa....
I ever thought of naming every single fish of mine... However, I think tt s quite impossible.. cos i ve more than 20 fishes in my tank.. lolx... it sounds to crowdy.. but it s actually not.. u shud go and view my supreme tank.. very nice wor!!! hahhaaa....
its located @ Blk 237 Bukit Panjang Ring Road... Ring me up if u wanna ve a look at my fish world... I ll welcome u very very very very much...


MiSsY ^___~ 2:52 PM

Monday, 12 Feb 07.....

Exams around corner....
I still dun ve mood to study
Ed is goin to scold me liao

He s now having comp lecture
Me in his hall, using his comp to nasty..

Peilin is on e other line now...
chatting wif me on msn....
Time: 2.12 pm...
We keep on remind each other to die together...
"Titanic" together.. thiu...
We fancy listening to songs.. and CrApPiNg...

Folowing are our conversation:

HapPy^HaPpY~ says:
u study 2117 ?

~HapPy^HaPpY~ says:
i nv start at all

~HapPy^HaPpY~ says:
all havm't read

lalalalaaa!!!!!! says:

lalalalaaa!!!!!! says:

lalalalaaa!!!!!! says:

lalalalaaa!!!!!! says:

lalalalaaa!!!!!! says:

lalalalaaa!!!!!! says:
i ve not started on all

~HapPy^HaPpY~ says:
let's die together agsain

lalalalaaa!!!!!! says:

lalalalaaa!!!!!! says:
die together for all la

~HapPy^HaPpY~ says:
no pro

~HapPy^HaPpY~ says:
i send u nice song

~HapPy^HaPpY~ says:
suppose to study for exam we listen to song

~HapPy^HaPpY~ says:
let's die

~HapPy^HaPpY~ says:
i send u more

lalalalaaa!!!!!! says:
nice nice nice

~HapPy^HaPpY~ says:
nice and meaningful rite

lalalalaaa!!!!!! says:
i wanna use the song during my wedding.. haha

lalalalaaa!!!!!! says:
so, choosened songs for my wedding as follow

~HapPy^HaPpY~ says:

lalalalaaa!!!!!! says:
1. ai hen jian dan

~HapPy^HaPpY~ says:
when's ur wedding

lalalalaaa!!!!!! says:
2. e song tt u just sent me

lalalalaaa!!!!!! says:
3. Heaven knows

lalalalaaa!!!!!! says:
next yr

~HapPy^HaPpY~ says:
u nonsense la

Hahahah.... tt s Peilin & Me...
When?? 2 days b4 exams...


MiSsY ^___~ 2:15 PM

Friday, February 09, 2007

"A Letter For My Papa"
Dear Papa,
Papa, how are u lately? Long time no see!! Lots of things had happened lately.. And it makes me missing u sometimes. Mama hospitalized. Jie almost quarrel with Jiefu, money's fault. Sisi's problem.. Peer relationship.. Responsibility arguments.. Housing??? People accusing me of ignoring them purposely.. Scolding me "No-manner".. Pointin their finger at me and says I m wrong thou I m already down to my knee.. Worst still, problems came hand-in-hand during my exams period.. Papa.. M stress!!!! M worrying abt my exams.. BUt I ve no mood to study.. Papa, I lost to this battle thou its not a big matter.. I losing e immunity which I used to have.. I m tired!!! Very tired... its been 6 years.. Yet I still have to carry on with it.. Sigh!! I HATE IT!!!
I dun feel like staying in school le, Papa... its not my world anymore I suppose.. I lost my school pillar.. How???
I really wish to tell u everything.. Share with u what I wanna share.. Could u come back please??
I wish to introduce to u my frens.. tellin u how we prank in our every day life..
Tellin u tt I got a BF.. whom I really wanna marry to.. spend the rest of my life with him..
Hoping to see u laughing and chatting with him.. Watching u patting his shoulder and says "take good care of her!!"... Witness him as my blanket in the winter.... However, this seems to be appeared only in my dream..
I envy my 2 Jie-jie.. I had been longing for a perfect marriage.. Thou, theirs were a simple marriage, but I know tt mine ll never be as perfect as theirs.. I can see u in their "Just Married" vcd.. but, what abt mine?? Watchin u smiling to them on their tea ceremony. Patting their hands and said "Happy married". What abt me??
Papa.. I miss u!! Please come back!! Will you???
I m sick of imagining hugging mummy after tea ceremony without you...
I m sick of imagining saying "Please drink my tea, Mama!!" rather than "Papa.. Mama!!!"
I m sick of without you to brush my hair anymore...
M schizophrenia, Papa..
Could u please come back!?!?! come back to me, Papa... And sing with me our favourite song..
I promise tt I will be ur good lao-san... I ll be what I sang...

MiSsY ^___~ 1:01 PM

About Me

Nickname: -*GuSnI..
DOB: 17-08-1984
Age: 24
Horoscope: Leo galx
Activity: Sleep & Sleep!!
Occupation: MisSy -_-"
Status: Married-- to him
Location: `here' ^__^


:: Xueeyiiiee
:: JuAn~jUaN :X
:: Prissy..
:: Nessa.. ;p
:: Kou_Jing
:: Thia W..
:: Cyn C..
:: Kin~nugget
:: Colleen DeArIe
:: ~SPY~
:: Cyndi tandow
:: Amit
:: NanA Tay
:: Jenny.. :p
:: Hansheng T.T"
:: Nona Sherly ;P"
:: Juvai B$ha **"
:: My tweEtY Beth
:: Ivan Lim

Blog Archives

Edited by GuSnI *KaY-Poh.Pte.Ltd


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