Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Finally holiday...!!!! Arrghhhh.....
Attachments and works had been keepin me busy.. so much so tt lot of things had happened around me surprisingly to cause me both happy & sad...

Wow!!!! The paediatrics and obstetrics attachment were really a wonderful experince.. especially to a motherly-mind people like me.. lolx...

To play wif e kids....
To chat wif e comin-to-be mummy....
To try to get into the kiddo world....
& to see a newborn baby..

Oh My GOD!!!!!!... Its heaven... lolx!!!!!

Hmmm.... finally over!!! going back to balai tmr... for 5 days probably..
My mummy missin me... hahhaaa... I miss my mummy and nieces...

tt s e feeling I like e most.. heee....

Also, lookin forward very much to school re-open..
Cos I wanna e nursin course to end as soon as possible..
& Ed's course to end as soon as possible too.. lolx...
So tt I can ve my greatest dream in my life to become true...

hahhahahhahaa..... Guess u guys know wat I meant...

heeexxx..... Love...

MiSsY ^___~ 12:57 AM

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

gussy sayangg!!
been tinkkin fer some ttym..
when was it dat we were verii close.?
iszit after prom dat we start datingg.? ;)
stimes i feel dat ulovemi more dan i do.. =X
aniwae..jusx wanna say iloveyou mani mani!!
mani mani maniii..... =))
Hahaaa.... lol... Tt s a love letter from my buddie buddie buddie ~XuE xUe~ ... hee...
So sweet to read such sms early in e mornig when u wake up...
XuE xUe.... I lurve EEuuuuu toooo......
In case other get jealous.. I wanna shout it out loud..!!!
I lurve u too Juan Juan
Of cos I lurve u to Bird bird.. heee...
But no matter wat I still love this person e most most.. heee.... SEE BELOW!!!!!
Its EDMUND ANG WEE HAO!!!! Cha dar!!!!

MiSsY ^___~ 1:00 PM

MC = BoRiNg = LaEziE...

Feel so bored staying @ home..
Facing 4 walls.. look up, I saw lizard.. look down, I saw cokroache.. Arghhh!!
Tt s e most stupid phrase ever when one is simply bored bored bored!!!!

Hmm... so, I sneaked into my fren's room & start to use his comp illegally.. cos never ask for permission.. hahahaaa... bleahx..


$urPrISe!!! Isnt he a cuttey cutie baby??? Raghh... I juz cant help, but simply in love wif him.. Hee...

I actually got e urge of havin him as my godson.. *OH GOSH!!!! Dun be gross!!!* I noe tt s wat shanel gonna tell me.. hahahaa... U ll end up killin bb~~another phrase from peilin.. hahahaa... LOL

He was under my care.. now tt he s better.. prove tt I M A GD NURSEY... hahhaaa...

Yst, Mon, 02.09.06.... I m sick.. Phew!!!! Wif 2 days MC.. 1st time to ve MC

So worrid tt I ll get GE from e postin.. cos I always said.. "I wan GE!!! So tt I can slim down.." Kind of stupid.. yeah!!! Hahahaa... Got diarrhoea since 4 am till 12 noon.. went to clinic wif Ed @ 11 am.. feelin very unwell.. tried to vomit, nothin come out.. tts really horrible.. never like diz b4.. after docs, medx & payment, Ed walked me to e bus-stop.. half-way, I feel damn giddy.. & faintin.. vision?? kind of ver blur & dark..*Scary* .. So, I shockingly told Ed.. He escorted me back to clinic again.. *Thnx God I got HIM**... Docs said, "U had a panic attack juz now.. BP low." Then, she referred me to NUH A&E.. Wow.. really my first time man!!! I so so scared lo.. Luckily, feel much much better when queuing @ A&E..

E queue there very long lor.. their business damn gd man!!! haha.. lol.. waited for 2hrs, not my turn yet.. I felt recharged tt time.. so, went to ask e nurse to cancel my appointment & rest @ home.. Hahaa.. I noe.. No one ever did tt b4 lar.. But, I juz did it!!! heee.. So, she cancelled it for me & informed me tt I gotta wait for another hr for my turn.. OH my goodness!!! So long lor.. hahaa.. anyway, finally everything s over.. No GE no wadeva.. I m not goin to say I wanna GE or Viral Infection anymore for my future posting.. It was enuf to get e hell out of me... :<

MiSsY ^___~ 12:27 PM

About Me

Nickname: -*GuSnI..
DOB: 17-08-1984
Age: 24
Horoscope: Leo galx
Activity: Sleep & Sleep!!
Occupation: MisSy -_-"
Status: Married-- to him
Location: `here' ^__^


:: Xueeyiiiee
:: JuAn~jUaN :X
:: Prissy..
:: Nessa.. ;p
:: Kou_Jing
:: Thia W..
:: Cyn C..
:: Kin~nugget
:: Colleen DeArIe
:: ~SPY~
:: Cyndi tandow
:: Amit
:: NanA Tay
:: Jenny.. :p
:: Hansheng T.T"
:: Nona Sherly ;P"
:: Juvai B$ha **"
:: My tweEtY Beth
:: Ivan Lim

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Edited by GuSnI *KaY-Poh.Pte.Ltd


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