Friday, September 29, 2006

Finally i can blog on my 1st clubbin wif my classmates.. hee.. Cos I finally got e pics from VANESSA WOO... so, Thanx to her..*Applause for her*
Well.. It was my 1st clubbin wif my dear dear.. lolx.. Who?!?! ....... Who else lar?? of cos him lar.. EDMUND ANG WEE HAO... hahahaa
It was a very fun nite where vanessa, shanel & some others learn how to dance for e 1st time.. i bet so.. hahaa... My poor Darlin never get to enjoy himself very much as he gotta pose as bodyguard of 8 gals... LISTEN CAREFULLY!!! ITS 8 GALS K!!! Bleahx.. He s powerful, isnt it?? Aint u agree?? Heee.... So, I m glad tt I m his wifey... Blah blah blah!!!!
Now, Lets ve a look @ e gals photos... very nicey isnt it?? Hahaa... Dun u dare to mess wif ushar!?!?!? Arent we pretty??? yeah, we are... Blah!! blah!!! blah!!!

Btw, Peilin was force to join us de.. but she was so happy in e club lor... dance & shake till her head fallin off cyah... lolx... Everybody was so enjoy lo... bet we gonna ve our 2nd round soon.. hee..

MiSsY ^___~ 4:39 AM

Friday, September 22, 2006

another crazy dream.. lolx...
went to London together wif Colleen & Juan.. *Funny*.. London s like a dead city in my dream.. full of old houses.. hhaaa.. and Colleen, wif her red Nokia 8310-wif some exudates leakin out from all button- was so helpless: scolded by all people in my dream, dunno y..*Gross* Do I miss 2 of them too much?? so much so tt they ended up in my dream?!?!?! But I do admit tt i m missin my sec life.. lookin forward for next Sec class chalet gatherin.. Amazingly, we just had it this yr.. so, Sigh!!! gotta wait till next yr lar!!!
In e dream, i wanna sms Sherly to ask her to join us.. but Colleen's stubborn phone just dun let me lar.. den we so worried tt we dun ve a place to stay.. hahaa..
Funny & awkward dreams so often lately.. m I too tired?? too stress? hahaaa... m I not copin well wif it?? Sigh....

MiSsY ^___~ 3:40 PM

Thursday, September 21, 2006

hmm.. its been long since my last posting.. (-_-").. no comp jiu shi like tt de.. bo pian!!! Grrr....
well.. dun reali noe wat to blog le.. fell like talking abt nursing clubbing party, got no photos.. would like to talk abt my attachment, will only make me Rahhhh... TALK ABT MY LIFE, MONEY NOT ENUF.. lolx.... hahaa... But if i dun blog, Nessa & Cyn gonna kill me man!! Sigh...
Hmm.. den dun blog abt myself den.. blog abt people surrounding me..
Firstly, my hubby.. He s a very nice guy.. always give me surprises.. girls out dere gonna jealous and jealous and jealous dao..... hee... he gonna make a gd husband..(& of cos me a gd wife lar!! Duh..) He s in Uni now.. study study & study.. His duty.. grrr.. my enemy!! Sob Sob.. But m willing to hold on lar.. Lalaaa.. Cos he s worth it.. bleahx..
Secondly, My nurses classmates!!! #Nessa-always like to pinch me & torture me, think she find me too cute le.. tt s why- #Shanel-Sigh!! eat more my darling.. i shocked to go for break during attachment wif her.. cos my full plate of vege rice=to her small tiny mini bowl of yoghurt+some dunno wat crisp- #Puiliang-She s another shockin cha bor.. everything also know in e ward.. kia si nang!!!! Hrmm.. She EN B4 k.. DUN PLAY PLAY!!!- #Jing Jing-She always so knowledgable lo.. Grrr!!! must sy=tudy wif her when exams coming- #Priscilla-she very tao hua yun lo.. dunno why??? sigh!!! she know wat i meant la- #Bird-bird??- guess who she s??? hahaa.. yeah.. one very xiao cha bor.. hee.. she gonna kill me if she ever read my blog.. but i know she ll never visit this add de la.. so, dare dare sabo her... bleahx.. well, she s 1 best buddy of mine in poly lar.. love her.. muackx!!!
Next, lets talk abt my sec school si dang... *Xueyi-always very princessey de le.. m sure u ll agree wif me if u know her.. but sometimes she also very mature, so much so tt u ll be shocked to death.. haha- *Juan~Juan-I had been bullying her since sec le.. but she always stand in front of me wif tt cannot tahan smiley face.. which make me xin ruan lar.,. grrr!!!
Well, i m now @ my hubby's da xue.. slackin.. & know wat, my mum always said, nightmare must share wif others.. so tt it wont come true.. startin i dun belive it de.. i find it so stupid.. but, i wanna blog something to everybody lar.. i got a nightmare which still hauntin me till now.. grrr.. i dreamed tt my lao gong dun wanna me ler.. den go off wif other gals.. Rahh!!!! so sad tt i woke to find tt i m crying.. Sob!! Sob!!! so, next time must blog ur nightmare to share wif others k.. e most easiest way.. heee..
Shall blog abt those interestin outin like clubbin wif my nurses fren, whereby it was their first clubbin.. lolx... but after i got e picsn from them.. bleahx...
Siginin offzz.......

MiSsY ^___~ 10:46 PM

Friday, September 08, 2006

hahaa... first time i wrote my blog in my hubby's university.. And, yeah!!! He s very buay hiau bai.. Wanna me to post abt e Bday surprises which he gave me.

MiSsY ^___~ 8:16 PM

About Me

Nickname: -*GuSnI..
DOB: 17-08-1984
Age: 24
Horoscope: Leo galx
Activity: Sleep & Sleep!!
Occupation: MisSy -_-"
Status: Married-- to him
Location: `here' ^__^


:: Xueeyiiiee
:: JuAn~jUaN :X
:: Prissy..
:: Nessa.. ;p
:: Kou_Jing
:: Thia W..
:: Cyn C..
:: Kin~nugget
:: Colleen DeArIe
:: ~SPY~
:: Cyndi tandow
:: Amit
:: NanA Tay
:: Jenny.. :p
:: Hansheng T.T"
:: Nona Sherly ;P"
:: Juvai B$ha **"
:: My tweEtY Beth
:: Ivan Lim

Blog Archives

Edited by GuSnI *KaY-Poh.Pte.Ltd


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