Wednesday, September 15, 2010

its been long since my last post... cos i lost my bb... wah ah ah ah... anyway, everybody is crazy abt iphone now.... be it iphone 3 or 4......

been working working n working... guess, tts wat m gonna do for the rest of my life till one day when i strike TO TO!!!! ahhahaaa.......

Today is edmund's 2 day of internship!!!! wa lao... he off work n i start work... sian... he start work, m passin report to my colleague, handover e pts, go home, then sleep..... gonna end soon anyway... on more afternoon wk.. n m same shift as him... HELL!!

gotten news from HDB... m thrilled!!!! Q-no 130... total number of 5-rm = 174.... i stand high chance!!!! yipee!!!! heee...

so so so cant wait to see my own shelter 4 yrs down e road... wish to move in now!!! Hopefully wat Lee Shien Long said is applicable to my Senja Gateway... 2.5 yrs is wat they take to complete one BTO!!!!!

MiSsY ^___~ 12:37 AM

Sunday, July 04, 2010

Waterfront terrace is nice... But edmund dun really like punggol... Anyway, coming BTO is bukit panjang... End of july!!! Great... Finally!!! My turn to get a house.. Heheee....

On way home now... 1315 hrs le... I have missed friday night sleep le... Gonna compenste my mind wif nap immediately when m home...

On bus 700A... Can u believe it?? Next to me is not a passenger... But a small cokroache... My god!!! Lucky m not fear of it.. Or else I ll be screaming high n low pitch.. Hee....

The volunteer work is fun.. Shall join again in future...

MiSsY ^___~ 1:08 PM

Friday: woke up at 11.30 am......

Friday: night shift started 8.30 pm....

Saturday: off duty at 7.30 am....

Saturday: continue with Aesthetic Clinic at 9 am.....

Saturday: Aesthetic procedure ended only at 7.30 pm....

Saturday: Younger brother lost his wallet... Fetch him home from chinese garden straight after Aesthetic..

Saturday: Reach home 10.30 pm... Slept at 11 pm....

Sunday: Woke up at 7.30 am....

Sunday: Now, on way to Marina Boulevard to health-screen the elderly....

MiSsY ^___~ 8:47 AM

Friday, June 18, 2010

On bus to work!!!!grrrraaaahhhhhh..... Gonna be late!!!

Drank a can of nescafe before hop onto the bus.. Damn it!!! Feel like shitting now... another 30 mins before I can touch the handle of toilet door.. Raahhh!!!

Meeting xueyi n juan soon for saturday night playground talk.. I think the guys will most likely drag us to watch soccer... Thiu... Edmund n e rests.. Heeee.... Tts how innocent is the villagers.. Feel safe with them.. N mine is the most safest one among them.. Lucky me!!!! Heeeee

She said she wanna baileys+durians... Shall we??? Ed said will cause toxicity... How does the chemical reaction happen?? I also dunno... Tts somethign worth to find out... Dear juan, its ur job lor!! Haaa..

MiSsY ^___~ 12:06 PM

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Am I given choice to choose??

The answer is simply no!! I think I have no choice but to carry the whole responsibility...

Why r u guys so unfair to me?? Calling me heartless after I have sacrificed all I have!!
Calling me no sense of kin-ship... If so, why am I in in stress???

Seriously, m almost there.. Hallucination!!

N I seriously feel tt only pain can take over everything that I hate to feel..

Probably to make things better, I need to simply admit to everything tt u claimed to be mine..

To own up everything and learn how to be numb to all the arguments of who should get things done!!!

MiSsY ^___~ 9:38 PM

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

On way home.. In bus 963... As usual.. No seat!!! Grrr... Its irritating sometime cos ppl tend to push u when the bus is totally loaded..

Well, doing nothing much today at work.. Cos I were posted to "COLD PALACE" once again.. Tts a favourable assignment to majority - but not all of cos.. Its relax dere most of e times.. So cold n high class.. Its actually suite ward.. But bored!! No internet.. No frens to chit chat.. U rt basically waiting for the time to tick away.. Totally counting seconds..

I ve checked tmr's assignment.. Same Day Admission cub.. May be busy.. But m glad tt m there tmr.. Cos it s more "YANG".. Haaa... U can see ppl browsing around, where as COLD PALACE is so damn "YIN".. Lame!!!

Searched for information abt part-time degree. So ex la!!! Another bld sucker!! If only I can get subsidy or scholarship.. Shall ring them up tmr to enquiry further..

Well!! Gotten a seat finally.. Its time to nap!! Bye...

MiSsY ^___~ 11:45 AM

Been dreaming of those stupid blood-sucker!!! Its crazy.. How cud I ever dream of them while I dunno who they are.. Probably cos they r always the first who gave me morning calls... So early tt u may suspect something fishy between us.. However, dun forget!! Its a call from "them", but not "HE"....

Seriously, can someone pull them away from me?? They r driving me mad..

Hence, my dear eldest lady!!! Pls clear the mess before I AM BIPOLAR!!!!!

MiSsY ^___~ 11:45 AM

Monday, June 14, 2010

Avril sings : " tell me, why the hell r u making things so complicated?"
Tts exactly wat I wanna ask myself.. Why am I making things so complicated?? So much so tt m jus a rat who keeps running from the cat's claw..

I HATE IT!!! Receiving the F*** Law*** Let*** n thinking why r they forwarding this super irritating letter to me?? Aint u suppose to attention to HER n her "Wat e Hell Deary Husband"???
Its killing!! It jus can kill.....

Watched Tyra supermodel shows last night.. I jus can't imagine!! Why is an Anorexic lady can ever be permitted in the competition?? Its funny! N its schoking.....

Anyway, y is she enjoying such a better life while m not??

However, m fortunate cos m always engulf by a grp of angels- XY, HJ, ED, MUM....
I know ppl do love me... But its jus not enuf.. Life tt s full of love, it jus aint enuf!!! Sometimes u r really left wif no choice, but to include materials..

She always says tt she doesn't wish to drag me down.. But the fact is, she has been haunting me for the past 2 yrs.. Its crazy!!! Probably wat she said is true.. N she does love me.. However, my apology, I cud barely feel it..

MiSsY ^___~ 11:47 AM

Ve not been blogging since donkey yrs ago...

Ppl blogged with i-phone, me blackberry- which ppl tend to call it "Blue-Berry"!!

Been hearing shocking news recently- break up, patch up, "tied-up", OR I shud say "ROM".
Cool!!! It really shows tt life is full of ups n downs, man...

Angel missy said: "pls do ur best to rescue your loved ones!!"

Devil missy whispered: "Dun u think tt life is too unfair to u??"

So, wat shud I do, man!!!! F***......

I really dunno wat s gonna happen to me yrs down e road.. N I dun even dare to imagine.. Cos I know its gonna be different from wat I dreamed of.. How I wish tt Aladdin does exist in this world...

Falls into my hand, n I will pray for them - Freedom, Finance...... & Figure!!!! Hahaaa....

MiSsY ^___~ 2:12 AM

Sunday, August 02, 2009

went for NHG-NUHS Intergames championship 2009 yesterday.. @ MacRitchie Reservoir.. haaa. it was so fun... & I must say tt i damn lucky lar.... cos i got 2 lucky draw prices.. while my colleagues didnt get any... heee.... I gotten a ADIDAS water bottle for Funwalkers Price... & e PC Speaker as 9th lucky draw prices.. whereby there are only 40 prices... hahaaa...However, I do wish that i gotten e 1st price... ir was a huge U-papa from OSIM... heeee..... fun!!! really fun!!!!!
photos in facebook!!!! eheee..... By the way, NUH gotten 1 championship 2009 for intergames between hospitals.... last year was 2nd place... Tan Tock Seng as 1st last year... heeeee..... FUN FUN FUN!!!!!
Remember the night I went for Ladies NIght.... hehheee.... So much fun!!!! my fren said i was a drunken.... But I swear!!! i m not drunk... jus a bit of hyper-allergic to alcohol... heeee...... love u gas!!!!! muackx.... u know who u are!!!!

MiSsY ^___~ 3:14 PM

About Me

Nickname: -*GuSnI..
DOB: 17-08-1984
Age: 24
Horoscope: Leo galx
Activity: Sleep & Sleep!!
Occupation: MisSy -_-"
Status: Married-- to him
Location: `here' ^__^


:: Xueeyiiiee
:: JuAn~jUaN :X
:: Prissy..
:: Nessa.. ;p
:: Kou_Jing
:: Thia W..
:: Cyn C..
:: Kin~nugget
:: Colleen DeArIe
:: ~SPY~
:: Cyndi tandow
:: Amit
:: NanA Tay
:: Jenny.. :p
:: Hansheng T.T"
:: Nona Sherly ;P"
:: Juvai B$ha **"
:: My tweEtY Beth
:: Ivan Lim

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Edited by GuSnI *KaY-Poh.Pte.Ltd


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